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Monat: A Haircare Hazard to Your Health

Updated: Apr 29

Monat the silent destroyer...

It took me a long time to even consider trying Monat because of all the lawsuits but it's so much worse.

After researching the company and the complaints, I was worried about my hair falling out.

What I should have been worried about was so much worse… Lockdown made us all lose our minds, and that’s when I decided to give Monat a try. I had lost some hair due to shedding and stress, so I thought, why not? What I didn’t know was that all the health issues that went along with Monat Lockdown came and went, and my hair didn’t fall out. That was my biggest concern after reading about all the lawsuits because of hair falling out. I thought my hair was looking nice and was growing. So was my collection of everything Monat. I had it all. Hair care, skin care, all the things I thought I had hit the jackpot on hair care products. Looking back, my scalp was so damn itchy all the time, and I would get these little soars on the top of my head, but I really didn’t put two and two together, and I kept using the shampoo. My hair wasn’t falling out, and that was my main concern. This first year came and went, and I was still using Monat. I had about a year and a half of use at this time. Looking back, there were things that went unnoticed. Bloating, heavy periods, irregular periods, edginess, and being tired all the time I just wasn't myself. It was a new year, I had new health insurance, and it was time to get all the things done. I went to the PCP at the beginning of the year, and it was routine for them to take blood work. I didn’t think anything of it because my levels are usually good. A few days later, I got a call from the doctor, and she said DR: There’s no need to be concerned but I did want to let you know that your thyroid is on the cusp of being to low This was a year into using the poo I thought it may have been because of the vegan eating style I had been following for a bit…Little did I know, it had nothing to do with that. I reintroduced foods that help your thyroid and continued on I wasn’t a huge fan of my insurance or the doctor that I went to, so I decided to wait until the new year to switch Insurance and go from a horrible one to a better one. This meant that I would have to wait eight months for the New Year. I was so upset with my current health insurance, which didn't really offer any doctors in my area, that I thought waiting would be the best option. As the months went on, things got harder and harder. At this point, I had been on the poo a year and a half, going on 2 years and sh*t just kept getting weirder and weirder My symptoms (that I ignored) - Bloating - Tired all the time - Crabby very edgy (I’m usually even-keeled) I was off-the-charts crabby and edgy. - I wanted to pick a fight with everyone. I would pass people who cut me off. We’re talking super out of the norm for my behavior - Irregular periods - Heavy periods - missing periods - Gained 10 pounds for no reason - On the cusp of having a low thyroid - severe joint point I could not for the life of me figure out what was going on and I couldn’t wait to see my Dr. In the new year It was a hard year health wise but business wise I was kicking ass. January started off with a bang and it just kept going. I was so busy that a lot of the health issues I was having were put on the back burner. I knew something was wrong but I chalked it up to getting older and didn’t think much about it. An insert here….during the year I started to notice that my big toe only on my left side stared to hurt (again I didn’t think anything of it) I thought maybe is was just stiff or I was getting old and my joints were started to hurt more. Then over serval more months my thumb joint on the same side. My left side started to hurt so bad. Like the worst joint pain I had ever experienced. I couldn’t pop my thumb any longer and it was stiff and swollen (again I knew something wasn’t right but I didn’t think too much about it) near the end of the year was where shit got weird and things went downhill health wise. I love being active and I had done some fun exercise that day. The next day I went to work and it was a long day on my feet. On this particular day my knee was feeling swollen and it had been feeling sorta swollen for awhile (I couldn’t bend my knee all the way…felt kinda like water was on my knee) same side as my thumb and toe pain. While I was at work out of nowhere (on my left side) my knee swelled like huge. I couldn't walk on it and it hurt so bad. I had no idea what I had done. I looked up every single possibly and thought that I had for sure sprained my knee or something along those lines. But it never made sense to me why my knee swelled because I didn’t hurt it or hear any pop. At this point late in the year these were my symptoms about a 1 1/2 on poo

  • Gained 10 lbs

  • Edgy/crabby

  • Tired all the time

  • Low thyroid

  • Extreme joint pain (only one side of body)

  • Bloated

  • Irregular periods

  • Sadness

  • had no motivation

  • sleeping a lot

  • swollen knee

I spent the next several months just surviving I thought I had really done something bad to my knee so I rested. I didn’t do the thing I love the most exercise & be outside I would work and rest (that’s all I could do) I had no energy and I thought I better rest my knee so it can get better. My knee hurt so bad that I couldn’t step on it without pain. I walked around with a limp for the next 4 months I spent so much money trying to figure out what was going on with my knee. So many doctors. Knee braces and the list goes on. I went the the chiropractor to get adjusted thinking that might help my knee I went to the physical therapist thinking that might help my knee Nothing was helping and I really couldn’t take it anymore... My knee still hurt and I was a hot mess. I didn’t even recognize me anymore and I still thought well this must be what getting old is like and no one told me. I sept the next 4 months resting my knee and thinking ok once my knee is back to normal I will hit the ground running but I had no energy or motivation (again super weird for me cause I usually have a lot of both) The days went by and my knee still hurt and my big toe and my thumb. All on the left side. Holidays comes and Shit’s about to get weird and this would be about the 2yr mark of using Monat. Something was wrong with me…at this point I was not ok I had gained 10 pounds for no reason I was crying for no reason I couldn’t exercise because my knee hurt I had no motivation I was super edgy Bloated My boobs hurt My period was coming at all different times but again over the 2 years of being on the poo I had forgotten how normal and on target my cycle was and now this was my new normal. Late periods…early periods and only once missing my period and again (I thought it was all because I was getting older) and that it was my hormones changing Family Dinner for the Hoidays - missed my period completely - Christmas - Crying for no reason in the middle of my parents driveway and had no idea why I was crying or what was wrong with me.

  • Something was wrong but I didn’t know what

The New Year - missed my period again (Now at this point I knew something was wrong but we all chalked it up to getting older and early pre-menopause) My mom had it and so did my aunt… So in my mind I thought ok this is what happens you miss periods and it’s all hormones Remember I didn’t like my old insurance and I had just signed up with a new insurance New Insurance I called my favorite Obgyn to set up an appt and I had one booked 3 months out (new patient earliest I could get) My Period Finally comes back after 2 months My period finally comes along with severe knee pain (joint pain in both knees) My period was normal for 5 days the only problem was it never stopped I continued to have spotting for two months At this point I know that this can’t be normal but again I chalked it up to hormones and getting older. I knew something wasn’t right and I was waiting to see my OBGYN in a couple months. My boobs were so sore liked could not touch them sore. I had no energy and I was sleeping a tone. I was sad (not normal for me) I wasn’t inspired. I’m usually inspired often. Something was wrong but I had no idea what! One morning I woke up and went to the bathroom and this is where shit got crazy. I was bleeding heavy I’m talking bleeding like I had never in my life bleed before. Clots huge clots. I mentioned it to my family and we didn’t want to worry so we waited. I bleed heavy for 4 days (thinking it would stop or taper off) It didn’t I was bleeding through a super tampon every 20mins for 4 days and I should have gone to the emergency room sooner I know my body and I knew something was not right. I was up all night couldn’t sleep had to change my tampon so often that it kept me awake. On the fourth day I woke up an knew that the bleeding was not going to stop and me & my family decided it would be best to go to the emergency room. When I got there I was relieved because I knew they were going to help my but I was also scared and had no idea what was wrong with me. I had blood work done and they called my Obgyn to see what medicine they could recommend to stop the bleeding. The test results showed that I was now anemic from all the blood lose and the Obgyn called in a subscription to stop the bleeding. I set up an appt with my PCP and went in for bloodwork. Then had to go back in to discuss the bloodwork. So much much scared There was anemia, as expected because of all the blood loss but there was more. My thyroid was low…again due to red clover that's in Monat and blood loss. Modern scientific tests have shown that red clover contains isoflavones, plant-based chemicals that produce estrogen-like effects in the body. (google) And other things popped up that I now know leads back to if you have too much estrogen it can affect your kidneys, liver, thyroid and the list goes on. Too much estrogen will wreak havoc on your body. This is no joke no-one should have red clover in their system for long periods of time and most people who use it do so to help with menopause when their estrogen is out of wack and to low not when you have healthy even hormones. If you look up Red Clover it clearly states that pregnant women and women who are breast feeding should not take it or use it. I also says that Red Clover could cause vaginal bleeding (NO Where on the Shampoo bottle does it say what the side effects of Red Clover are) I wanted to get an ultrasound asap so I went for one while waiting for the bumped up appt for my Obgyn that was now booked. I was panicking and couldn’t wait. The ultrasound results showed that my uterus was triple in size and I had a cyst on my right ovary (only one I have left) and it showed Adenomyosis. Again like wtf was wrong with me I had no idea. I was so scared and thought I was dying. I thought for sure something really horrible was wrong. The waiting all the waiting. That was one of the hardest parts was waiting for the tests and waiting for the results of the tests and then waiting to see the doctor to go over the results. I was finally able to get in to see my OBGYN and she did an exam and said everything looked good. But I needed another ultasound. I was in tears cause I still didn’t know what was wrong with me. I asked her if I was going to be ok. She was very supportive. She told me that I had to keep taking the medicine to stop my bleeding and wait a few more weeks then go and get another ultrasound to see if my uterus had gone down in size and if it hadn’t she wound have to do a D&C to clear everything out. I was stressed but hopeful I did exactly what she said and waited… The day after I went to see her I had a thought…it was really out of no where. I thought I wonder if it’s the shampoo. (it's the only thing that's been different in my life) I have no idea where this thought came from or why after this long I would all of a sudden have this thought and not before...but I did. I went home and looked up Monat and Vaginal Bleeding and all sorts of underground things started popping up like wtf. Holy Shit I think it’s the shampoo. Holy shit I called my family and they had me on speaker phone. Me: This is going to sound so weird but I think it’s the shampoo My mom could hear me on speaker phone and ran into the room Mom: (This is what she said) I wasn’t going to tell you this because I didn’t think you would believe me and I know you think that shampoo is the best but I had a dream last night and it woke me up from a dead sleep and the the dream was that the cause of all your health issues was the shampoo. I don’t care what you believe in but I don’t believe in coincidences at all and there are signs everywhere. With my moms dream and my thought the very next day and all the underground info was enough for me. I stopped using the poo immediately I threw out hundreds of dollars worth of product and never used the shampoo again. I waited 3 weeks…took my medicine and did a ton of research. Every single symptom I had can be caused by too much estrogen in your body Low thyroid - too much estrogen Tired crabby - too much estrogen Gained 10 lbs out of no where - too much estrogen Crying for no reason - too much estrogen Sore boobs- too much estrogen Irregular periods - too much estrogen Heavy periods - too much estrogen Missed periods - too much estrogen Low energy - too much estrogen Not feeling like yourself - too much estrogen Joint pain - too much estrogen Joint pain on one side of body (thumb or pointer finger, big toe, knee) - too much estrogen and the list goes on... Hopefully you get the idea. It will fuck you up real good and you won’t even see it comin I mean of course Monat works…it has estrogen in it Good hair is overrated if this is the price you pay for using Monat. NO THANKS The amount of money I spent on products is insane then there’s all the Dr’s visits and office visits all the money spent The biggest thing that really pisses me off it that it make you feel like you’re going crazy…like I know my body and I knew something is wrong But I couldn't figure out for the life of me...what it is and why is happening. And if you still don’t believe me keep reading It's three weeks until my next ultrasound and then 4 weeks until I see my doctor. I quit using Monat and I start taking liquid iron to build my blood back up and my energy. A few weeks go by and I’m now able to walk around my neighborhood without coming home an laying down. I’m starting to feel better and better. Three weeks go by and I get a mammogram and that comes back ok. My pap results come back ok and now I’m waiting to hear about my uterus. I finally get to go to get my ultrasound the bleeding has mostly stopped and now I have to wait another week to get the results from the ultrasound. weeks later my appt is set for 4p I was so scared but I had to get to the other side. At 8a I wake up to my dr calling me Me: Hello Dr: Hi how are you Me: I’m actually feeling so much better Dr: That’s so great to hear Dr: Now I know your appt is at 4p but I just got the results of your ultrasound and I wanted to call you. You can totally still come in if you would like to but I wanted to call you right away and tell you that your uterus looks perfect! It’s thin, there are NO cysts, no Adenomyosis, there's nothing. It's perfect! Your hormones are perfect and you’re not even near pre-menopause Me: crying omg thank you so much Dr: and never use that shampoo again It’s been few months and I’m finally feeling back to normal My mood is even as it always was I’m able to exercise and I can tell I’m losing the weight I gained for no reason I have so much energy My period came back normal as ever and isn’t heavy anymore and is super regular The joint paint on my left side is going way and the swelling me my knee is gone I feel like I did before I started using the shampoo years ago. Everyone talks about their hair falling out and scabs from this shampoo. My hair didn’t fall out but I did notice my scalp was so itchy like all the time and it drove me nuts and now the itchiness has gone away too and so have a bumps on my scalp. All I can say is this was my experience and I’m so grateful to be on this side of this. If you have friends that use this shampoo please warn them about the silent destroyer and how red clover (high estrogen) can present its self in so many crazy ways. You won’t think it’s shampoo and your Dr. Won’t either. They’ll tell you your thyroid is low all of a sudden and then that will lead you off in the wrong direction and on a strange path of health issues that you probably don't even have. If you have vaginal bleeding and then you do things to stop it that don’t include stopping the use of Monat you’ll again go down a path you never needed to go down in the beginning if only you would have stopped using Monat instead. You’ll start to get joint pain and it will be so strange and you’ll wonder why and you’ll go down another wrong path…all along it will be the shampoo causing all the issues. If you’re experiencing any of this symptoms and you use Monat. Don’t take my experience as truth. Try it yourself. Stop using the shampoo for a few months and see how quick you start to feel better. It’s like magic...I'm not kidding. This is my experience and it’s the only thing that I’ve done different and it’s the one thing I will never do again. Share with others to help relieve unnecessary systems because of the use of Red Clover in your shampoo. Tell me your experience.


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